+39 (575) 353436  export@checcarinipreziosi.it
Italian Silver Jewellery


The company was born in 1993 in Tuscany from the intuition and experience of Sandro Checcarini, a skilled craftsman from Tuscany.


Passion, devotion and creativity are the bases of a continuous success of the company that research and achieve a high and consistent quality standard.


Tradition and modernity are the keys of Checcarini Preziosi success.


C heccarini Preziosi have the highest tecnologies with a: 3D Printer, laser engraving and laser welding machines.

Checcarini Preziosi S.R.L.  
SocietĂ  Uninominale P.iva 01953270517 Via Don Luigi Sturzo 204, 52100 Arezzo